Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Pdam Tirtanadi Cabang Padang Bulan
Determining whether and to what extent PDAM Tirtanadi Padang Bulan Branch's services—which are grounded in direct evidence, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and reliability—have a major influence on customer satisfaction is the aim of this study. Direct observation, questionnaire distribution, interviews, and literature reviews are the methods used to gather data. Numerous tests, including linear regression, reliability analysis, and the conventional assumption deviation test, are part of this study's quantitative approach. The primary data regression findings processed using SPSS 20 are used to create the multiple linear regression equation that follows. Y is equivalent to 5.244 X4 + 0.242 X5 + e + 0.235 X1 + 0.503 X2 + 5.004 X3.The t count > t table (2.221 > 1.985) indicates that the direct evidence variable (X1) has a significant influence on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is significantly impacted by the dependability variable (X¬2), as seen by the t count > t table (4.802 > 1.985). Customer satisfaction is not significantly impacted by the responsiveness variable (X3), as seen by the t count < t table value (0.053 < 1.985). T count < t table (1.951 < 1.985) indicates that the guarantee variable (X¬4) has no discernible impact on customer satisfaction. The t count F table result (17.967 > 2.31) indicates that the hypothesis under investigation is accepted.The customer satisfaction variable can be influenced by direct evidence factors (X1), reliability (X2), responsiveness (X3), assurance (X4), and empathy (X5) by 48.9%, with the remaining 51.1% being influenced by variables not included in this study. Based on the above findings, the authors recommend that management focus more on improving services so that staff members can be trusted, given the low levels of responsiveness, assurance, and employee empathy in terms of satisfying PDAM Tirtanadi Padang Bulan Branch customers. It is hoped that more researchers will conduct more thorough studies on service and satisfaction factors in the future.
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