Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Pendapatan Petani Sawit Di Desa Si Ujan-Ujan Kecamatan Kotarih Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai
This research aims to determine whether capital, land area, and selling price, either partially or simultaneously, significantly influence the income of oil palm farmers in Si Ujan-Ujan Village, Kotarih Subdistrict, Serdang Bedagai Regency, and to what extent these factors influence it. The method used in this research is quantitative, with several tests including reliability analysis, classic assumption deviation test, and linear regression. Based on the results of primary data regression processed using SPSS 25, the following multiple linear regression equation was obtained: Y = 8.267 + 0.059 X1 + 1.069 X2 + 0.082 X3 + e. Partially, the capital variable (X1) does not significantly affect the income of oil palm farmers (Y), as evidenced by the calculated t value < t table value (1.385 < 2.007). The land area variable (X2) has a significant effect on the income of oil palm farmers (Y), as evidenced by the calculated t value > t table value (15.875 > 2.007). The selling price variable (X3) does not significantly affect the income of oil palm farmers (Y), as evidenced by the calculated t value < t table value (1.874 < 2.007). Simultaneously, the variables of capital (X1), land area (X2), and selling price (X3) significantly influence the income of oil palm farmers (Y), as evidenced by the calculated F value > F table value (108.347 > 2.79). These variables collectively contribute to 86.4% of the variation in oil palm farmers' income (Y), while the remaining 13.6% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. From these conclusions, the author suggests that oil palm farmers should pay more attention to increasing their capital to enhance their income. The existing land area should be aligned with the available capital so that both farmers and landowners can benefit. Moreover, oil palm farmers should improve the quality of their oil palm fruits to increase their selling price.
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