Pengaruh Manajemen Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Dan Komitmen Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Sentra Mitra Alih Daya Yang Ditempatkan Di PT. Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk Medan
This research aims to assess the impact of occupational safety and health management (K3) and work commitment on employee performance at PT. Sentra Mitra Alih Daya, assigned to PT. Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk Medan, both individually and collectively, and to quantify their influence. The research adopts a quantitative approach involving reliability analysis, tests for classical assumption deviations, and linear regression. Based on the regression analysis using SPSS 25 on primary data, the following multiple linear regression equation was derived: Y = 0.715 + 0.200 X1 + 0.771 X2 + e. Individually, the occupational safety and health management (K3) variable (X1) significantly impacts employee performance, supported by t count > t table (2.278 > 2.007). Similarly, the work commitment variable (X2) significantly affects employee performance, with t count > t table (9.632 > 2.007). Moreover, both occupational safety and health management (K3) (X1) and work commitment (X2) collectively demonstrate a significant influence on employee performance. This confirms the acceptance of the study's hypothesis, as indicated by F count > F table (62.038 > 3.18). The variables of occupational safety and health management (K3) (X1) and work commitment (X2) contribute to approximately 70.9% of the variation in employee performance. The remaining 29.1% variation is attributed to other unexamined variables. Given these findings, it is recommended that PT. Sentra Mitra Alih Daya prioritize enhancing occupational safety and health management practices to further improve employee performance. Additionally, maintaining and fostering existing levels of employee work commitment is crucial. Employees should be encouraged to sustain high-performance levels in alignment with company regulations and expectations.
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