Effectiveness of Lamtoro Leaves Flour (Leucaena Leucacocephala) and Impression in Artificial Feed on the Growth and Lifetime of Living Patin Fish (Pangasius Hypothalamus)
Lamtoro is a shrub or tree up to 18 m tall, widely branched and vigorous, with clear gray bark and lenticels. Two-finned leaves with 4-9 pairs of fins, varying in length up to 35 cm, with large glands (up to 5 mm) at the base of the petiole, leaf blade 11-22 pairs/fin, 8-16 mm x 1-2 mm. The flowers are abundant with a head diameter of 2-5 cm, stamen (10 per flower), and pistils 10 mm long. Pods 14-26 cm x 1.5-2 cm, brown when old. The number of seeds 18-22 per pod, brown (Garcia et al., 1996). Bran is waste in the process of processing unhulled rice (paddy) into rice which contains the "outer" rice that is not carried away but is also mixed with the cover of the rice. This is what affects the high or low crude fiber content of the bran (Rasyaf, 1990). The increase in the absolute average length of the Siamese catfish seeds by feeding 1.44 cm lamtoro leaf meal was higher than 1.36 cm by feeding using bran. The increase in the absolute average weight of the Siamese catfish seeds by feeding 1.4 g of lamtoro leaf meal heavier than 0.52 g by feeding using bran. The FCR value of Siamese catfish seeds using lamtoro leaf meal was 1.053 better (small) than feed using 1.333 bran. Survival Rate (SR) in the container in the treatment of 94% lamtoro leaf flour and the treatment in the feed container using 93.33% bran. During the study, the temperature range, pH, and DO in the containers used for lamtoro leaf meal and bran feed were used for temperatures ranging from 26-30 ºC, pH ranging from 6-7, and DO ranging from 4-7 ppm.
Keywords: Pakan/Pellet Alternatif, Dedak, Daun Lamtoro, Bahan Baku LokalÂFull Text:
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