Construction of Islamic Character Education in Deli Malay Culture in Medan City

Rahmat Hidayat, Zamakhsyari Hasballah, Fandi Alfiansyah Siregar


Malay Deli is one of the Malay sub-groups who live in Medan City. This tribe has a
wealth of cultural values which are used as a basis for the formation of the character
of its people. Malay Deli is one of the tribes that combines tradition and teachings from
Islam, this is in accordance with the philosophy in their lives "Adat Bersendi Syarak,
Syarak Bersendi Kitabullah. Melalyu Deli people construct religious and cultural
values through several stages, namely: (1) education; (2) Imitation; (3) Habituation;
(4) Motivation; (5) Clarification and (6) Evaluation. The values constructed construct
the character of the Deli Malay community in the form of: (1) Religious; (2) Honest,
(3) Tolerance; (4) Suave; (5) Be humble; (6) extroverted; (7) Likes to Help; (8)
Prioritizing manners; and (9) respect for guests. This character makes them different
from other communities in the city of Medan

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