Efforts To Resolve Child Victims Of Violence In The Household

Anum Herawati Harahap


Psychological violence against children within the family is the biggest problem that needs to be considered. Therefore, legal protection is needed for children who receive psychological violence in the family. The problem raised in this thesis is how to enforce the law against children who are victims of psychological violence in the domestic sphere. How is the effort to resolve the law against children who are victims of psychological violence in the domestic sphere. How is the legal protection of child victims of psychological pindana acts within the scope of the household. The research method used in this study is normative juridical research. Normative legal research is secondary data. The nature of this study is descriptive analysis. Data collection techniques this study was conducted by the method of library research (library research). Law enforcement against children who are victims of psychological violence in the household is the application of the law,namely Article 45 paragraph (1) of Law No. 23 of 2004 states that everyone who commits acts of psychological violence in the household as referred to in Article 5 letter b shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 3 (three) years or a maximum fine of Rp 9,000,000.00 (nine million rupiah). Efforts to resolve the law against children who become victims of psychological crime within the scope of the household is done in two ways, namely non-penal settlement and penal settlement. The stages carried out outside the court are (1) agreeing to go through a mediation process. 2) Understand the problems. (3) Generate problem – solving options. (4) Reach an agreement. (5). Execute the deal.


Legal Protection, Child, Psychological Crime

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46576/lpj.v1i1.4737

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