The Use Of Mediation In Maritime And Fisheries Dispute Resolution

Sabela Gayo


The sea is one of the boundaries between countries and is one of the sources of income and
life of a nation, Marine Management provides benefits that are so great that all parties or
countries want to explore and exploit these resources, including the high seas, so that
sometimes it causes disputes between partiesincluding between countries in carrying out
its management. Disputes that occur can be resolved nationally or internationally,
depending on the parties to the dispute in it. Internationally, the settlement of fisheries
disputes that occur at sea can be resolved peacefully between the two parties, but if a
peaceful agreement between the parties cannot be reached , then the procedure for
resolving fisheries disputes at sea can be done by mediation methods, namely cooperative
maritime diplomacy, persuasive maritime diplomacy and coercive maritime diplomacy.

Keywords: Alternative Dispute Resolution, Marine, Fisheries

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