the company's ability to earn a profit in relation to sales, total assets and own
capital. For companies, the problem of profitability is very important because it
can include other ratios, including the ratio of liquidity and working capital.
Liquidity is the company's ability to meet short-term obligations smoothly and on
time. The level of liquidity of the company can be shown by liquid assets that are
easily converted into cash, including cash, bank, accounts receivable, marketable
securities, and inventories. Working capital is a fund needed so that company
operations can run smoothly in accordance with the policies that have been
determined for the achievement of company goals. The formulation of the problem
in this study is how the influence of liquidity and working capital management
either partially or simultaneously on profitability at CV. Mitra Karya Medan ?. The
research objective was to determine and analyze the effect of liquidity and working
capital management either partially or simultaneously on profitability at CV. Mitra
Karya Medan. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis, determination
test and t test, with the help of the SPSS test tool. Based on the research results, it
is known that there is a partial effect of the current ratio on the net profit margin at
CV. Mitra Karya Medan, this is shown from the results of the t test where t count>
t table (4.807> 2.13185) so that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means
that the current ratio variable has a significant (significant) effect with the net profit
margin variable. In addition, there is a partial effect of the debt to equity ratio on
the net profit margin at CV. Mitra Karya Medan, this is shown from the results of
the t test where t count> t table (3.064> 2.13185) so that H0 is rejected and Ha is
accepted, which means that the debt to equity ratio variable has a significant
(significant) effect with the net profit margin variable. Based on the research
results, it is known that there is an effect of the current ratio and the debt to equity
ratio simultaneously on the net profit margin at CV. Mitra Karya Medan, and the
percentage of the relationship between the current ratio variable (X1) and the debt
to equity ratio (X2) to the net profit margin (Y) is 34.2%, while the remaining 65.8%
is influenced by other factors not examined
Full Text:
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