Hadi Prabowo


This paper uses pick-title Implementation Regional Regulation No. 8 of
2011 Concerning the Development and Structuring Street Vendors: Study
on the Civil Service Unit Kota Probolinggo. There are two questions in
this paper, first, How Probolinggo Implementation Regional Regulation
No. 8 of 2011 Concerning the Development and Structuring Street Vendors
in Kota Probolinggo? Secondly, What are the factors that support and
implementation menghambatdalam Probolinggo Regional Regulation No.
8 of 2011 Concerning the Development and Structuring Street Vendors in
Kota Probolinggo ?. This paper menggnakan qualitative research method
using descriptive approach of this paper is the first aim of this paper, To
describe and analyze the implementation of Probolinggo City Regional
Regulation No. 8 of 2011 Concerning the Development and Structuring
Street Vendors. Secondly, to describe and analyze the factors that support
and implementation menghambatdalam Probolinggo Regional Regulation
No. 8 of 2011 Concerning the Development and Structuring Street Vendors
in Kota Probolinggo.

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