Copyright Protection Against Plagiarism

Dede Aditya Nugraha


Forms of repressive protection of copyright law authors can make a prosecution against the person on the paper. Preventively, the author who publish written works through electronic media also get protection laws of the government aimed at preventing before a violation occurs. Then, legal consequences if there is a violation of written works through electronic media, namely, repressively, the person who commits a violation of a copyrighted work in this case paper, it will be sanctioned in the form of fines, imprisonment, and additional penalties given the government when the authors are harmed prosecution. In Law- Basic Law No. 28 of 2014 on copyright also explained that “copyright is exclusive rights of the creator arising automatically on the basis of the declarative principle after a creation is realized in tangible form without prejudice to the restrictions in accordance with the provisions legislation".


Paper, Plagiarism, Protection

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